Capital adventures

By marchmont


It was a sociable day. I started off with a Zoom call to J in Victoria. It was great to see her again. She's had a long lockdown, unable to see most of the family and friends. We had to stop after an hour as she was at her partner's house and had to be home by the 9 pm curfew. It's enforced by helicopters.

On this side of the world I was back in a theatre and out late for the first time since late 2019. It was Phil Wang, who was ok. It was also very hot and mask wearing didn't help. Note to self, take water the next time.

In between the coffee club met here in the morning and we sat in the sun. In the afternoon it clouded over so I sat inside and listened to my book and then had an early dinner.

It was very warm walking up the road from the bus which oddly went up the wrong Brae. Strange.

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