
By Em1D0g


I took this photo in Whitley Bay. This is my favorite capture ever. It just looks so beautiful and peaceful. This is the only place i like to go on a night time or when im upset or something, it just calms me down looking out to sea and seeing the water contrast with the sunset. Ive been in a pretty down mood for a while now and im not sure what it is causing me to be like this. ive been researching things and nothing seems to be helping. i have no energy to do the simplest of tasks, like getting up on a morning or eating. i feel socially awkward around people and i can barely be bothered to socialize with anyone anymore. i keep taking my moods out on people i love and care. that is killing me the most. i keep getting random out bursts of wanting to cry and just be alone really. im constantly sitting in bed and sleeping. i raley eat anymore and even my mam has noticed. she blags my head that i need to start eating properly but i really have no energy to do so. maybe thats why ive been feeling so week and sick. i feel almost worthless.

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