Quick change artist

Mother Nature demonstrated today that she can be a quick change artist. Yesterday the high temperature was around 55 degrees, sunny but chilly. Today, after a morning thunder storm, the high temperature reached 85 degrees. I had forgotten what hot felt like, but I was reminded when I took my walk in the park this afternoon. It felt good, and it is beautiful this evening.

I saw this duck in the marshy area near the old apple orchard and chose it for my blip today. I've never seen it there before, and I don't know what it is, but it looks just like the Blue-winged Teal in my Sibley's field guide to birds of Eastern North America. So unless someone tells me otherwise, that is what I am calling it.

Update on yesterday's blip:
As many of you guessed, it was the butt end of a Downy Woodpecker who was industriously excavating a hole in the tree for nesting. Today I walked past the tree, and there he was again, but even more of him was inside the limb. This is all that was left outside. I can't imagine how he could fit in a limb of that diameter.

It's the weekend. Have a good one and happy blipping!

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