
By XSworld

Viewing instructions

1. Watch blip on wide screen (if possible)
2. Tilt your head to the left
3. Focus on the dock bug
4. Enjoy the happy, hatted, big-eyed face of an elf carried on the back of the dock bug
5. Smile back

P.s. in case you lost sleep over the bug-droplet enigma in yesterday's post, MsQuizzical elegantly pointed out the answer (thanks MsQ) which you will find here :

Quoting the reference "It turns out that flies do this to cool down!  They move a droplet of fluid in and out and of their buccopharyngeal cavity a number of times before eventually swallowing it (Gomes et al., 2018).  This is called bubbling behaviour, which helps them lower their body temperature by evaporative cooling."

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