And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

A grey day...

This was taken at Ravenscar this morning, this windmill is for sale with planning permission! if you dont want depressing please dont read on.

Dave saw my predicament and whisked me off to my favourite place Ravenscar so I could take some photos, there not brill but it was nice to get out.

All those who know me on blip no my struggle with agoraphobia, and you all know how far I have come with this in the last few months and now I feel lie im slipping down a slippery road to nowhere. Not been anywhere on my own in last 2 days and where I have gone is not far at all. I just want to eat and sleep. I get weighed on wen morning if I can face the scales. If the pain is gone in the morning I could pull it back but if it goes on for another 6weeks there will be no hope and I will just get a gastric bypass.

Sorry again for going on.

ps I will take the time and date off tomorrow
love c x x x

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