Shadows in time

By cairistiona

Rainy day & a massage

This morning it rained on me while I was walking the dog. It made me realise, I don't think it's rained on our morning walk before, since Leia came to me in June. On the way to work, it pelted it down so much so that the streets were flooding a bit. I was glad to be in the car at that point.

Busy day at work, first day of term, no time to stop to stop and think. Someone had taken down most of the 'We recommend you continue to wear a mask' posters that I'd spent ages putting up yesterday. It had happened in a few places across campus so obviously deliberate. I didn't have time to be pissed off and just put more up.

After work I went for a massage, because I've been getting pain in my shoulder, neck and arm for about 2 months now. It felt sooo good and the pain's subsided quite a lot. Going back in 2 weeks. Today's photo is the window of the massage therapist's treatment room.

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