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I think I spent a little while removing stickers like these from the solar lights they had dotted around the garden at their old house. These are from the many solar lights in the back garden here. There are more lights in the front garden but I have'nt removed those stickers. Maybe tomorrow if I've got time.
Carolyn & Rufus, her 5 month old Labrador, arrived just after 9am this morning for a walk with the dogs. We walked the bridlepath then across fields down to Greenway quay where we stopped for a coffee. We sheltered under a tree for a few minutes from a sudden downpour on the way back but it did'nt last long. Rufus had fun following Bess & Bella up into the hedgerow, they all played together, which was great. We stopped off at the village shop to pick up a newspaper, just leaving when I spotted 3 pots of Canna possibly the variety 'Tropicana', they had multi coloured leaves, for sale, so I enquired how much. £4.99. A bargain! So I treated myself. Carolyn is counting steps, & according to her programme we'd walked 6.6miles, so I must have been doing that everyday since I've been here, if not more. It's great to be out enjoying the countryside. Carolyn & Rufus headed home, Bella had a hose down then had sticky buds removed from her coat. Bella did'nt have any on her. She was ready to chase the ball around the garden ...again.
I rang Mum for a chat & to check if she needed any shopping, just a few vegetables which I should have on the allotment. Next spoke to hubby. He went to cook his dinner last night and the oven was'nt working. I talked him through resetting the clock which you have to do before the oven will function ,thinking there had maybe been a power cut while he was out . It did'nt work. He rang me first thing this morning, so I rang the landlord, he popped in to see if he could sort out the problem but he could'nt get it functioning either so now a chap called Ray? is coming tomorrow morning to look at it. The oven is'nt 2 years old.
Hanna, Jeanette's, DIL, rang this afternoon. She's promised me some eggs from her hens to take home tomorrow, Matt will drop them off in the morning.
Had the last of my freezer dips for dinner tonight. I really enjoy the courgette & hazelnut burgers that I made a little while ago. Might have to make another batch if there are more courgettes up on the plot.
J & H should be home around 4pm tomorrow so I shall probably head back home after lunch.
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