Lisa's blipping life

By Lisamoore

A tribute to James.

I was gutted a few days ago to hear about the death of the man who made me read and only feel now up to blipping about it.

Up until the age of 11 i had read nothing but Jackie magasines ( remember them?)
Then someone, i cant remember who, pushed 'Fog' into my hand and said 'read that its amazing.'
From that day i became a total James Herbert fan and read and read and read, not just this books but his books showed me how great reading was and how it can take you into another world no matter where you are.
I used to wait patiently for his next book to come out, each one having its turn as my favourite.
If i had to choose then it has to be 'Once' just because of the connection i have to the way he thinks about the wood in the story, but thats just me...
I am still awaiting for his lastest book to come out on paperback, never knowing it was to be his last. I will read that book slowly and tinged with sadness..
The end of an era,
But i have him to thank for 35 enjoyable years of reading..
For that Mr. Herbert, i thank you, but reading will never quite be the same again...

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