Collecting Sunbeams

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

Today was quite a big day at work, lots of crisis meetings. But still, I feel good. Progress was made, and most importantly Shenée and I are fully on the same page again after having lost our work mojo for a couple of weeks there. She was amazing today, smart and sparky and fierce. 

But waaaaay more importantly, I got some pictures from Hani and Zay, all sealed up in a HAND-MADE envelope, which was covered in pictures of hearts!

It was really very sweet. Today's blip is but a small extract. In the picture you see Dave the rumblecat and Cutie the red panda. Cutie is holding a magic lamp which contains a genie, but no I've said too much about the story. 

Of course I wrote back. Here is what I said to them:

My Dear Zay and Hani,

Thank you so much for your beautiful pictures, I just love them! Lemon the lemonbear especially LOVES the picture of her. She is a very pretty bear and says whoever it was who drew her they did an excellent job. You know how grumpy the lemonbear can be, so this was very high praise indeed.

Dave the rumblecat made a noise like this: brreeeeeeep! This means he is very VERY happy with your picture of him and wants to be bestest friendys forevers.

As for your Uncle Symon, I must confess that the picture of the Genie of From-There-To-Here was very, very, very SCARY and it frightened me a little. But then your mommy told me not to be so silly and I felt better.

We also showed your wonderful pictures to Auntie Shenée and she LOVED the pretty yellow dress you drew for her. I think she wants a dress just like that one and I expect she will buy one today!

It is a lovely day in Wellington today, this means that Ellie the Floaty Witch is out collecting more sunbeams. I hope that you are collecting sunbeams too and that are having lots of fun with your friends at school.

In fact, Ellie the Floaty Witch has been telling me yet MORE stories about Cutie the red panda and his adventures. I love writing them all down for you and will try to finish another one in time for the weekend.

There are so many tales to tell! Of sloths and shnoodles! Of Spike the hedgehog and of that time Lindylou the Watery Witch fell in love with a man who suffered from big farts! Too many stories…

I will write them all down for you, but Ellie the Floaty Witch wanted me to tell you that you MUST be quiet and listen very carefully. This is because her stories are MAGIC SUNBEAM stories. If you are not careful the words do not go in your ears, but fly out of the window and go flip-flapping around outside like sparrows! So be sure to be tucked up in your beds at 7:30pm preeeeee-cisely or those words might end up in next door’s garden, and that would never do.

All my bestest love to you my bestest little friendys, I hope to come and see you in Porirua, near Pōneke very very soon.

Ba-doop, ba-doop, ba-doop, 

Uncle Symon

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