Bad Hair Good Hair

I'm about to swoop on a lamp base on ebay........will be back to moan shortly..... I won the lamp base. Gives me a wee buzz swooping in at the last second on ebay. £3.73....good £8 postage not so good but I think it's quite heavy so ok.

Right! Let's get to the moaning. I had my hair cut last week. It looked awful when I came out of the hairdressers but I watched carefully and the guy who cuts my hair knows how I like my hair and he's cut my hair several times so I know I can trust him. It's just curly hair! If it's being combed then recurled by twisting it can look a bit ....................wiggy (if it's short). I wasn't too concerned. I knew once I'd washed it and 'styled' (by 'styled' I mean just leaving it to dry) myself it would be ok.

The few days after, it was behaving impeccably.'s like a naughty, sneaky child! It gets it's self into a presentable (yet messy.....just what I want) shape, then I step out and catch sight of it in a window and it looks NOTHING like it did earlier!! It's done the WORST thing EVER!! It's gone..................................................................................................................................................GRANNY!!!! All curlers, set and pulldown hairdryer!

I may as well get a blue rinse.

Tomorrow it'll probably be all Brian May !!

Can I just add that this does not illustrate the tue horriblness of my hair today......I quite like it in this.......kind of.

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