Memories lost amongst old photos

Lots of rain to day so apart from some food shopping first thing I have worked on various photo projects today.

I am always saddened when I see boxes of photos on a market stall. So many shots of people and families long forgotten. makes you wonder about their lives.

My Blip is some old photos bequeathed to me by a distant relative when she passed away last year at the age of 96.

She had a childhood memory of someone arriving outside her house in a car with the US flag on the bonnet. She thought the person's surname was Couzens and was related to her great grandmother.

So after some detective work I was able to confirm her memory and the person, highlighted in the thumbnail, was James J. Couzens a former Mayor of Detroit and a US Senator. Prior to that he was a VP and General Manager of the Ford Motor Company. he even had his photo on Time Magazine.

If only old photos could talk.

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