Life through the lens...

By ValC


First a big thank you for all your kind comments, stars and hearts on my 10th Blip Birthday. Thanks to you I ended up on popular page one.

Not a very inspiring start to year eleven, but it has been a miserable wet day.

The gas man came at 8.30am. Unfortunately found the boiler needed a new valve so still no heating or water. Hopefully he will be back tomorrow to fit a new one as he said there was one in stock. Fingers crossed!

Mr C’s appointment turned out to be a telephone conversation with a Physio.
However he was very thorough and said it was definitely not his hip, but sprained muscles.
Would take about 6 - 8 weeks to recover!
Advised him on recovery. So hopefully things will hopefully gradually improve.
Don’t think he will be doing any 6 mile walks again anytime soon!
A friend called to see him this morning which cheered him up no end.

Have the wood burner on again tonight, so we are nice and cosy. At this rate the wood isn’t going to last long!

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