Clematis Forest
From our Indian Summer of the past few days, we’re plunged into the torrential rain of what is very definitely autumn. I’m convinced today’s Tiny Tuesday challenge will have to be something from around the house, but miraculously, mid-afternoon sees a break in the clouds allowing me to venture into a very drippy garden which sparkles in the all-too-brief sunshine.
I photograph a few possible subjects before settling on a clematis seed head. The wonderful thing about macros is what is revealed when you can look closely into the image. What seemed to be a fluffy seed head becomes a fantasy forest of light and crystal - an almost alien world, especially if viewed large!
I’ve spent much of the day trying to catch up with your journals - and I can’t believe how far behind I’d fallen! I’m still not quite there - but I’m well on my way. Sorry for very brief comments and the lack of hearts - that’s one of the problems of playing catch-up!
Thanks again for the lovely comments, stars and hearts for yesterday’s mono. I hope to respond to individual comments by the end of the evening.
Thanks to JDO for hosting this month’s Tiny Tuesday.
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