Mount Cœur de Bœuf
Anne and Tine returned safely from the top of Mount Cœur de Bœuf with their big mini cocktail tomato. It wasn't easy to climb the ladder on the back ( ;-D ) with their tomato. Unfortunately or fortunately Tine slipped and pressed her hand against the mountain. She recognised that it was soft and juicy and smelled like tomatoes. When they looked at the mountain from a distance, it suddenly dawned on them. The whole time they were sitting on a gigantic tomato. They were very excited to tell the other Hanullis about it. At first they didn't believe it, but then they started digging the Mount.
They will be busy for quite a while and they will produce loads of tomato sow, tomato juice and ketchup for all Hanullis for a year ...
By the way, I'm very happy that Donald was unable to get his way with his idea of blowing up the mountain :-D
Thank you JDO for hosting TT Tiny Tuesday :-D
Reminder: The tag for TiPS, the stage for the adventures of all kinds of tiny figures is TiPS2021. Share your creative entries with other lovers of tiny people and have fun :-D
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