
By Dibsie

Monday obsession #1

Mondays are quite a boring day blip wise.

I get up for work, work all day, get home and quickly cook dinner (always a stirfry on a Monday), then onto Zumba, get home it's dark and I'm too knackered to do anything.

So I'm starting a new Monday series.... What am I currently obsessed with.

I don't know what it is about these biscuits but I love them, I have done for months now and im getting worse. I have them for brekkie on Tues, Weds and Thurs and there my go to if I want a snack. I actually look forward to getting into work, to make a coffee and then have my biscuits. Anyone I know who has had them thinks there not that nice, so why do I like them so much!?!

I guess there could be worse things to obsess about...

Photo 84 of 365 challenge.

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