Help on hand to fix the car after L had a collision with a large stone. Help on hand too to give Boro a win at last  . . .
A Tribute . . . Sol Bamba came to Boro this year as a 36 year-old footballer, at the wrong end of his career. Recently having successfully beaten cancer, he is still a giant of a man. Last night he made his first full-match debut. Heading here, passing there, running everywhere, shouting encouragement, pointing onwards, defending with his life . . . from minute 1 to minute 94 . . . a true team leader.
 In all my years of watching Boro, I struggle to recall one man totally master a team to control a game, from start to finish. He was simply awesome . . . formidable . . . . If only we had more like him. Full Marks to you.
Well done Sol . . . a real privilege to have watched you in action.

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