Today I rode my last leg of the GCC Challenge.  I rode 20.8 miles to complete the adjusted Total  Challenge of 400 miles, at 408.  The kids won today, because all of the money donated goes to research funding.  The people who organize the ride every year are also volunteers.   The last I saw the riders , around the world, have raised over $10,000,000.
    Todays Blip is the  final Dashboard of my stats.  On the right, top is the pavilion at the 49 st Trailhead.  I ate my snacks there.   The bottom right is a bicycle tire pump, that has been welded to a metal beam.  Anyone can use the pump that is at the trailhead.  It was donated and attached by a fellow bicyclist for use.   I just thought it was an incredibly thoughtful and generous thing  done by someone.
          It is always a great experience to be part of this effort.   I look forward to next year and riding the Challenge once again!
   Silver was dropped off at the bike shop this afternoon.  It is time for the annual tune, greasing/ oiling, computer check-up,  and a set of brand new tires.  I  have riden 3,000 miles in 32  months.The back ties is smooth, the front tire is well worn.   It has been a grand 3,000 miles!!!!!

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