Extra Introvert
Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,
I went to visit Victor and Mary Doll today. They asked how was uni is going for you EMP and I said you are having a great time and being very sociable.
Me: “A bit different from your uni days dad”
Victor: “I didn’t go to any freshers events. I wasn’t interested in any of that.”
Me: “Did you socialise are all?”
Victor: “I went to one university night out…at the end of the final exams*.”
Me: “You went on ONE night out in the whole time at uni and then never saw any of the people on your course again?”
Victor: “Yes.”
My social skills were genetically doomed!
*In fairness, Victor went as a mature student when he was 25 and had been married for a year. In the worst planning ever,** he had a 1 year old surprise baby (me) when he graduated!
**In one of the worst moments of my life, Mary Doll explained the circumstances that led to their surprise baby (alcohol)!
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