The School Run

Today we took Violet to school on a sunny but distinctly cooler day.  The run in was quick and I even found a legal parking space.  Little did we know at this point that humps for 1/2 mile would be the least of our problems!  In between our setting out and returning, the High Road had been closed and the very narrow road that we were sent up as a diversion was closed at the top too.  To cut a long story short, for the second time in just a few months, this nearby town is not quite cut off but involves tortuous and lengthy diversion routes to reach.  The work is either water mains in desperate need of replacing, or Cadent, replacing elderly gas pipes.  The work is essential but the planning of  road closures leaves a lot to be desired!  Rant over, these are just 'first world problems'.

In other news:  today in court the family of Sarah Everard read out their victim impact statements as Wayne Couzens, a former Met police officer was found guilty of her murder and we learned the true horror of her final hours.  I cannot begin to imagine being in court, as her parents  and family, listening to the dreadful list of atrocities  committed against her.  I can find no adequate words really, other than to say my heart goes out the the family of this young woman.

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