Are we there yet?

I went to bed early last night after a pretty full and stressful couple of days. So you can imagine my reaction when I was woken up by an almighty cat kerfuffle outside the window. After throwing a glass of water at them (random shot) it didn't stop so I had to get up and go and sort it out.

Stripy Cat was being VERY brave...looking through the back door at his brother. Stupid Ginger Cat was outside as puffed up as I've ever seen him howling at the neighbours cat who was sitting in the drive way howling back. When I went outside everyone ran away and my two decided treats were needed. Bloody animals.

Himself has them for the next few days while I go for a weekend walking through some Lake District puddles. The forecast is awful but I'm really looking forward to it all the same.

I even managed to get some fuel at my local petrol station. And with only a 45 minute queue!

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