
Early morning blip...This sums up perfectly how I felt this morning in the early hours after trying to make some headway into my references list. I have been carefully going through it and it is taking far far far longer than I could have ever imagined. At the time of writing this update I am up to the letter 'O' .....sounds like I need a Sesame Street song to accompany me with that. It feels ok though. I know once this job is done I will never have to do anything like it again in my life. My references alone are 6,000 words long but am finding there are ones in there I have not referred to since I have edited madly so i can ditch a few of them I think and save a few trees :-)

The blip is a picture of my hand /arm over my face with the contrast and the saturation turned right up, picture saved and then the same process again....over and over....very therapeutic after typing all day :-)

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