Wish me a good night's sleep!
Another disturbed night's sleep... I think made worse by my alcohol-free evening!! Didn't fall asleep till 2am, then awake from 5am but managed to get back to sleep about 9.30am and didn't wake till 1pm!
Bit of phoning, Ady popped in for an hour, chatted with Sis (J) for a bit, made tea, back on phones (one sale, better than nowt!), Vigil (not sure I like it... but will watch 2 or 3 episodes before deciding), Ted Lasso, now bed at 10.30... No exercise today... wasn't much opportunity tbh! And it was raining a fair bit... Hoping early night plus chemical assistance (see blip) will help me sleep better... Bit flat, lonely and bored... strange really as I've socially interacted a fair bit today - even in the flesh!! But lack of settled sleep plays a part - it's like I'm in a bit of a fog all the time...
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