
By Igor

every which way ......

There's chaos on them there streets.  The town takes another step into the 21st C with the arrival of new super-whizzy high speed cabling.  There are trenches and barriers everywhere and negotiating the narrow Victorian streets is hard enough for us humans, let alone the delivery-bots.

I'm standing outside the greengrocers while Anniemay shops, watching this one try to negotiate the barriers and kerbs.  It eventually gets stuck on a particularly steep kerb.  The front pair of wheels are spinning as it rocks back and forth and it cannot get any purchase, no much how hard it tries.

I eventually take pity and lift it up.  Once on the pavement it does a full 360° turn to orientate itself.  It lurches forward then stops; a squeaky voice says "thank you".   And off it goes.

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