Big Hill

By bighill

A special luncheon!

Our friend  Maryjane (the Buddhist Nun), asked us to host a special luncheon for a visiting Lama - originally from Nepal but now living in Vancouver, who he is here on Cape Breton Island to visit Gampo Abbey.    There were 12 folks in it was a busy time!

I spent most of the morning cleaning and organizing of course, Terry was also doing the same, until he fell down some stairs off the porch - wow he really did a number on his back!   So he was now basically out of commission so we had to just continue on.   4-5 people in the kitchen heating and plating the meal....thank god we had some help!  I should add that Maryjane did all the cooking of the food prior to come up to Big Hill!!!

Poor Terry has spent the day either icing or heating his back....we'll see what tomorrow brings!

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