Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Blip Meet!

Another fabulous day today.

We caught the bus to St Andrews and spent a very happy time pootling about. It really lived up to its reputation as Scotland’s riposte to Oxbridge as an ancient seat of learning! Gorgeous architecture, lovely eateries, an abundance of American students and tourists, general charm and historic vibes a-go-go! But whereas Oxford and Cambridge have punts, St Andrew’s has two spectacular beaches - which means it ‘wins’, in my opinion! It also has a LOT of golf and golf-related stuff going on, but that rather passed us by, I’m afraid! Instead, we visited both beaches and the harbour before calling into the legendary Jannetta’s Gelateria for ice creams which we ate in the quad at St Mary’s College.

But that wasn’t all. Oh, no. Not by a long chalk. Because, back in Dundee this evening we met up with a couple of legendary sometime-Blippers, who long-term residents of this parish will know as The People Twitcher (aka Dr Twitcher) and pixel8 Otherwise known as Gail and Brian.

Gail suggested tapas at Gallery 48 and it was an excellent recommendation. The place had a lovely atmosphere, delicious food and lovely staff. But, best of all was the company. I’d only met Gail once before in person, but one of the great joys of the Blip community is that Blippers of any vintage always seem like old friends.

We nattered away most companionably and worked our way through the menu, even blagging some free churros with which to round off our repast. Thanks so much to Gail and Brian for making time to meet up, and for a lovely evening. I hope we can do it again sometime.

Today’s song comes from St Andrews’ very own KT Tunstall. I love this mash-up of Bo Diddley and Patti Smith

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