
A quiet day after the excitement of yesterday.   I didn't do much this morning, though I think Ann was busy with practical things whilst I did admin stuff on the computer.   After lunch we went over to The Farm for a coffee.  It's getting a bit parky to sit outside now October has arrived, we'll either have to start braving the inside or give up going out for coffee....hmm? Whilst at The Farm I popped into the shop and bought a cauliflower, missing from our weekly Morrisons delivery, they have some lovely stuff in the farm shop, pricey but nice.

It was better when we went for a walk, though we were told off by an officious woman in a car that we had strayed from the public path.  We kept our calm and just talked about her when she'd gone!

I spotted some teasels along the way and thought they may do for today's Flower Friday, hosted by BikerBear. 

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