Return to the North

By Viking

Tenuous Tolkien

It was our school Open Day today so a three line whip meant I had to be in school from 8.30 until 1! Ultimately a bit annoying because although the school was busy we had 4 people through our room in that time! I teach A level only and the majority of prospective parents were of very much younger children, ones not overly concerned about A levels at the mo! Hey ho!!

We’ve had a recent injection of money into the school, tarting up the ‘key areas’ i.e. English, maths and science!! And one of the things they have splurged on is wall coverings for corridors (they have a special name, but can’t remember what it is, wraparounds maybe?) Anyway this is part of one on the English corridor. The whole spread contained Arthur Conan Doyle, Winnifred Holtby, Andrew Marvell, Bronte and Tolkien. When I mentioned that I liked it I was told that all had a connection to the area. ACD wrote a mystery based on ‘The Baccarat scandal’ which happened at the house the school is in and Tolkien here was to my surprise invalided nearby in WW1.

I have always liked the original Tolkien book sleeves so while I took a shot of all the display I like this one the most

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