Yes, Dexter! It's STILL snowing!

Yes, it is March. Almost late March, to be exact. And spring officially sprung last week. But it still looks like winter out!

We did get the snowstorm that was predicted on this day. About another five inches by the time it was done.

I was fortunate to work at home, and our Tabby boy, Dexter - he of the big white kneesocks and itty bitty white mitties - helped me out by keeping an eye on the snow totals through the window.

I've posted a similar shot here twice before (see my October 20 and February 11 blips), but it cracks me up every time Dexter does this, so I couldn't resist another version of this shot. For the record, this is the first iteration with SNOW visible through the window.

And by the way, we've been threatening that if it keeps on snowing, we're soon going to have to celebrate Christmas all over again. So the song to accompany this Tabby-in-the-window shot is Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town, performed in 1978 by a very YOUNG Bruce Springsteen, Clarence, Max, and the gang. (Now you'd BETTER be good, for goodness' sake! And that goes for you, too, Tabby!)

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