Much colder today and galavanting around in soggy nettles and thistles taking shots near the floor meant wet jeans.
The blues on the nettle patch are quite tricky to find unless they have a bit of a contretemps with the brilliantly vibrant small copper butterflies who seem to harass them no end, and fly.
Their colours are quite drab now so they are perfectly camouflaged against the dying thistles and grass stalks but more easily spotted on the flower heads - if you are lucky. Her wing tip is a bit tattered as are they all now at this time of year here and I suppose flying round sharp thistle points doesn't help them any. Lovely to see them in our field whilst now seeing the benefit of not cutting all the grass back.
Hubs has made progress with yet putting in another post this time for the gate. Gladys chicken is treating our security like a bit of a joke and having roped in Goldie Goldline to boot was thinking the drying cement was more like the Hollywood Walk of Fame desperate to make her mark for in perpetuity. That might be all that is left of her if she carries on breaking out as we have foxes in every night checking.
No sign last night of the hedgehogs on camera; the foxes ate all their food so none went to waste.
Dad still holding his own and the hoist is being delivered on Tuesday all being well.
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