
After breakfast and showers we ventured out.  We knew rain was due later so we decided to start off by walking part of the ramparts.  Our next, unplanned, stop was York Castle museum. Mr C had seen adverts of a Victorian street in the museum and fancied seeing it. The first part of the museum was about WW1, then a walk through the prison, a section on the 60s, clothes through history, toys through history and then the Victorian streets. A good couple of hours wandering around and kept us out of the rain.  We then wandered back through the town to see the sights. It was very busy and lots of groups of lads out on the p*** and ladies celebrating 40/50 birthdays or hen dos. The chaps must start drinking in the morning to see the state of them by afternoon. It was also raining so we ambled back to the hotel for a little rest before going out for dinner.

After our tasting menu experience in Lyme Regis I managed to find a restaurant 5 minutes from our hotel that I booked.  The last time we were given a menu on arrival but this time it is ‘blind’ so you don’t know what’s coming up until it arrives. Another very enjoyable 3 hours of delicious food. It had stopped raining when we left so we had a wander around town before going back to the hotel.

Extra collages.

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