Under Surveillance

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

I was in Porirua today, to survey their office for GPO's* and other things that need to be in place before we can install the VC technology. 

After the survey, I went to the mall for lunch. I have Teams on my phone so I joined in our team meeting when SUDDENLY I started receiving texts from Ellie. 

And all of them were pictures of ME.

Yes! The surveyor had become the SURVEYED! 

It was really very creepy. They were of me from all different angles.

"Where even are you?" I asked Ellie.

"I am EVERYWHERE!" she replied.

This was terrifying.

Eventually I spotted some bloody idiot hiding behind a pillar. Ah yes, that would be Ellie, capering about and laughing to herself. "I was running around seeing how many different angles I could get before you saw me," she laughed.

She is just adorable. 

I gave her a big hug and invited her into the team meeting where they looked at us like we were a pair of big eejits which we undoubtedly are. 

So that was a high point of the day. But the even higher point was a video chat with my lovely Princess. It is just so wonderful. to see you and talk to you Princess. It is so weird how much difference seeing you makes, it's almost like an ache inside me to want to reach out and hug you. Sigh. 

So that was a brilliant end to my Monday. Even if your audio cuts out all the time. 
And me, an expert in GPOs and VC tech. It is simply not good enough.


* General Power Outlets. I have learnt so much lingo for this project you wouldn't believe. 

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