Continuing a weekend excursion into West Yorkshire Victoriana, a classic Saltaire scene. I quite like the presence of the little yellow Fiat for a more contemporary feel.
13yo, 17yo and I were pottering about in part as a reconnoitering field trip for 17yo’s A Level Geography project, and in part because that’s just the sort of stuff we do anyway. We were interested in the boundaries, markers and edges of the officially designated World Heritage Site, and what might be the softer, more fluid shape of Saltaire as place, be that for visitors or residents.
We included a wander around Salts Mill and picked up a helpful book. 13yo kindly directed me to a basket of pin badges in the antique centre which she’d spied on a previous mission, and a quick rummage did throw up one mystery to add to the entertainment.
We’d planned to play some football in the park but the heaven’s opened so we took refuge in the Halfmoon Café for our afternoon refreshment.
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