Pixelfoto's Journal

By Pixelfoto

Middlesbrough Icons

Guy had his booster jab this morning and I persuaded him to book it at the Riverside Stadium in Middlesbrough just so that I would get a different blip. I had hoped to wander around in the stadium car park so I could get an interesting angle of the stadium but I decided not to as there were lots of cars arriving and being directed to where they should be parked. Instead I stood by the door of our car and took a shot which includes The Temenos sculpture by Anish Kapoor. People say it looks like an open ended fishing keep net. Also in the picture on the right is the famous Transporter Bridge and on the left buildings which are part of Middlesbrough College. I think it is a shame that it looks so cluttered and so far haven't seen a good photo of Temenos. It does seem a strange place to put the sculpture.

I have been catching up and added more back blips here, here and here.

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