Just the Withers......

By JaneW


I think I need to be a tour guide … I keep being told how much the Scots hate us .. well you could have fooled me because I’ve never met such lovely people .. and not just this visit .. Scotland is a little piece of happiness .
Today we visited Jupiter sculpture park .. OUTSTANDING ! A really beautiful place and so much to see . There is a pit of amethyst ! An actual pit full of the stuff ! Also a fairytale princess thing , little scary dead children thingies .. a gorgeous pond and sculptured grass .. just so very much . Luckily we had the place to ourselves for nearly two hours ..
Then off to Gifford to have lunch at Cams cafe , he used to be a blipper which is how LeeAnne and I met him , this is my 4th visit to his place and I can tell you all that the menu is spot on and the cakes are never dry ! Also it is always lovely to see him too ;-)) .
Then off to North Berwick, what a beauty .. visited some fantastic independent shops , walked the beach , generally lurked … lastly we went to the Longniddry chip caravan for our tea ! Sat in the car and watched the sun go down .. photo in extra .
I’m so bloody tired .
Po and I forced LeeAnne to watch Strictly on catch up , then she cruelly retorted with Married at first sight Australia.. so my trump card was Two doors down .. I’ve left her to finish series 2 . That’ll teach her .

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