
By LynnH

Chilly pastime

After sleeping all night in his bed and not trying to get to me, Forrest appears to be settling.

He's coming to work with me at the moment when I have to go through to the office as I can't leave him in the house yet as he will get very stressed. It will take a few months to get over that as he had very bad seperation anxiety in the past.

Luckily he loves the car and crate in the back. I put lots of cushions and blankets in as well as some treats. After a good walk with Moss first thing this morning he settled down in the car.

We went for a lovely long steady walk along the canal at lunchtime. I spotted these guys having canoe lessons in the freezing cold and sleet - but they appeared to be enjoying it.

Once home, Moss got to go for his long walk with me while Forrest remain curled up in the car. Moss had all day to play with his toys in peace.

They have had a couple of spats since we settled down, but its all just male posturing as there is lots of noise, hot air and teeth showing, but no biting etc. To be honest I don't think they have any idea who should be in charge!

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