My Grandmother's Clock...
...Was given to her as a wedding present in 1902. It is a crystal regulator clock built in Waterbury Connecticut in 1898. However, it has a mercury pendulum which was invented in 1756 by Nicholas Graham in 1721 . It was noticed that thermal expansion of the rod from which the pendulum is suspended caused the clock to slow down in the summer. The mercury in the pendulum bob corrected for this error.
There is much to be learned about the history of time and of clocks...far more than I ever wanted to know when I Googled this clock . What I did learn is that my grandmother's clock is worth about $1200...if it worked. Numerous attempts to fix it have been successful until the clock was moved. It requires a level surface to run properly and I can only conclude that perhaps it needs to be fixed in situ. It has a nice chime, and a lot of childhood memories associated with that chime, but finding someone to come to the house and fix it on the high library shelf where it lives is pretty low on the priority list....
Thanks to Laurie54 for this interesting challenge.
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