The Orient Express

By koko

Cheery robin

The dog walks are almost becoming unbearable with this bitter cold snap and are getting shorter and shorter each night. It was then home to a hot bubbly bath and then into P Js, well i am sulking after all. Its the camera !!!! after being in for two weeks now, it was chase up time it up, so yesterday after a few phones calls i was promised a letter was in the post and an e mail would be sent. Well today nothing, so phone calls again , it was eventually tracked down to being in Wales (it has to go back though sony channels) Well i had googled my problem a while ago and reading various forums i had a feeling i knew what the problem was going to be. It seems like a common fault, on mentioning this i was told it was recognised on the forums but not by sony and would cost almost £200 to repair it with only a 90 day warranty. Do they think i'm stupid, this matter is not closed but as for the camera, i've lost all faith. This could happen again , so i feel its better to buy a new one, Canon or Nikon and most certainly not Sony, such a shame really as i have really loved this camera. I'll keep you posted as to what gets worked out the camera but i won't be keeping it that's for sure.

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