I think that's what it says. I can't actually make any sense of it.
Mrsfb had an eye appointment at Moreton Hospital this morning. She now has some different drops and also some artificial tears. I didn't have a camera with me so this is a rather blurry phone image, which is possibly how it appeared to mrsfb. I'm tagging it for Tiny Tuesday although it doesn't meet the request for a proper macro close up image. Oh well. The letters do get tinier and tinier though. And I did notice that as she read down the list she moved ever so slightly closer to the chart though I don't think it helped very much.
The hospital was quite busy, the COVID boosters are underway.
I managed to get some fuel on the way to Moreton, though it was rationed to a maximum £35 spend, which doesn't get you very much these days. And the Co-op shelves looked rather empty again.
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