Wednesday's creative photo
The wind got up last night and was severely beating my garden about. But all bird feeders are intact this morning. So, that is the most important thing...according to the sparrows and bluetits...and the male blackbird who has decided he is the resident blackbird in this garden and drives intruders away. Surely he is defending 'his' territory a bit soon?
My creative work today...
I chose 3 kaleidoscopes I did earlier. Combined them in Snapseed using double exposure again and again. But it was washy washy. So I took a photo of the round bulb in my lamp and using double exposure yet again, popped it in the middle. It surprised me by assuming an octagon shape, but maybe that was the effect of the kaleidoscope patterns.
Still windy this morning. sparrows are all feeding on their swaying feeders, and I am going to make a cuppa tea...already drunk my coffee...
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