Just the Withers......

By JaneW

It ended with a standoff …

Kimmie-Mittens is giving me a beseeching look … as in ‘make that old cat go away ‘ ..
I got bored after 10 minutes and went to put the succulents into the greenhouse, and I’ll tell you why .. BECAUSE MONTY DON SAID SO ‘ King Monty ( king of the gardens in the UK ) said that excess water is just as bad and them freezing to death or words to that effect .. I forget now . It might not even have been those words to be fair ..but it was definitely into the greenhouse you go .
Tomorrow I’m looking after Alice in the afternoon as she’s having teeth removed in the morning..
I don’t know how many of you remember Alice and her being the autism spokesperson for her condition at the Royal Shakespeare theatre ..well she’s still spreading the word !!! also she’s ancient as she’s 18 .. old lady ;-))

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