Wide Wednesday?

The photo I had lined up for Widwed hosted by Steveng was ousted at the last moment by one of the best sunsets we’ve had for a very long time.

The theme for Widwed was something like “early signs of autumn” I suppose, at a pinch, some of the best sunsets can be in the winter, so this is an early autumnal sunset. Not convinced? No, neither am I.

Thank you for all your lovely comments yesterday about finally making a decision about Doreen moving into care. We heard from the District Nurse today that she was very exited about going.

And yes, I’m content not to stand as a parish councillor. There are better qualified and more eloquent people than me. And it will allow me to apply pressure as a resident without being tied up by protocol and procedures. Exactly the same reason I declined to join the Allotment Committee.

Susan was meeting a friend in town for lunch. So I walked in with her to say hello and then get a few things I needed. I’ve just taken a batch of tea cakes out of the oven, which were proving while I took the car to be washed, and, miracles of miracles, found a filling station with petrol. Extortionate price. All they had was that E5 stuff too. Grrr.

Being as it’s Wednesday, Susan was out at a guitar lesson meaning I could have a yodel with the uke. We’ve a friend on her way for a couple of nights. It may be past 10.00pm before she gets here. Meanwhile, I have my feet up.

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