
By Madchickenwoman


I'm not keen on spiders but I do love their webs with raindrops! Since Autumn began I have ejected 6 large spiders from my house! One was actually crawling across me as I was on the computer, another one crawled up the wall in front of me and then when I went to bed another one crawled up the wall at the end of my bed! I think it's because Oscar likes to sit outside ( guarding the premises !), so the spiders are just taking advantage of the open door and the warmth coming from it perhaps?! At least the biting spiders stay in one place! Yes they are still inhabiting my conservatory and two have set up home in the cats room! I'm getting quite adept at removing them but new ones seem to come and claim their vacated webs so it's an endless task! I don't like to kill anything but am considering getting a spider spray as I don't want them spreading to my other rooms! I have read spiders dislike strong smells such as peppermint, lemon and conkers (I did try placing them by the back door but i can't say they were effective!). But if I scent proof the back door will the spiders currently in the conservatory  just spread into my kitchen? I would have to scent the kitchen door too! Plus the bathroom and utility room doors that lead off the conservatory! The smell could well be overpowering!! 
I noticed these webs on the allotment this am when I went to open the hens.We have four new hens as we lost several over the summer. They are two speckled marans and two blue marans - in each pair one is lighter in colour than the other, so one pair is called Eve and Dawn, the other are Lunar and Cruella! I had suggested solar but the vote went for Cruella from another coop member - I hope she does not live up to her name! In fact it is Lunar who is doing so over the last couple of days! One eve she was found on top of the coop at bedtime - clucking at the moon perhaps?! The previous eve she was found outside the plot, trying to get back in! Luckily they are all very friendly and easily picked up! They are beautifully soft so they are regularly picked up! This am I clipped their wings to put an end to Lunars flightly behaviour and stop the others following her bad example! 

I may not post daily as I'm going to try to reply to comments and look at your Journals before I post again. I have not caught up with doing that for my last post but will get there tomorrow I hope! Thank you all so much for such a warm welcome back! 

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