A Halloween ....
...... treat !
Never been a fan of Halloween, but not a kill joy, just hasn't floated my boat! Tho' I did have a " cackle" at the title on the side of the box ( excuse the pun!)
What a change in the weather down here it's been quite dull & cloudy.
We are having a referendum on who should run the council , an elected Mayor or the leader of the council ( voted in) or the Mayor just nominate by the council!! Waste of money or not, hopefully not but who knows ?
Household chores kept me busy this morning , "A" came then we had lunch . Like a good citizen I went to vote. Just a little stroll and home for cuppa.
Hope you all had a good Thursday.
Thoughtful ....... that feeling tired is just so depressing
Hey ho tomorrows another day.
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