Gorgeous Nothings
I rarely clean our living room, not because I don’t want to, although I can always think of something I would rather do, but because so many books gather there, all over the floor and the tables, that much of the time is spent moving them all, then sorting them out, returning many to where they belong and then organising the rest so that, even if they are still around, at least we know where they are.
The cleaning bit is easy!!
As I was doing this, I came across a book I had forgotten about - The Gorgeous Nothings of Emily Dickinson. This a beautiful collection of her words scribbled on bits of envelopes - the first thoughts, the beginnings of poems. So I just thought one example would be appropriate for National Poetry Day.
In this short life
that only/merely lasts an hour
How much - how little - is
within our power
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