Across the bay

The first brisk walk I've had in several days, and it felt so good to stretch my legs and get a bit of a workout on the trail. Had it all to myself until a cute little black dog came bounding towards me and dropped a frisbee at my feet! The owner appeared from the field with another dog and the black dog picked up the frisbee and bounded back to him. I've met them on the trail before. It's always a treat for me to run into friendly dogs - and people too. 
It was a lovely morning after a night of rain. I managed to get about half of the cleanup done in the garden before my hands got too cold. Hopefully will get it finished over the weekend.
Looking forward to streaming Kalyn's game tonight. It's difficult for the team with the US land border still closed. They're playing a team in Lacey, close to Seattle, but they had to fly to Oregon again yesterday and bus back north for the game instead of doing the fairly short drive across the border. Then they fly or bus (not sure which) back to Oregon for their game on Saturday. I think they fly back to Seattle on Sunday and drive to the border to be picked up on the Canadian side. These young women, like all student athletes are under a lot of pressure academically and athletically and I'm full of admiration for how well they handle it. Our daughter played basketball at uni and Kalyn is following in her footsteps, doing very well both academically and athletically. When we were over last weekend, we saw the certificate that Kalyn received for academic achievement in the conference in 2020-21. I tried to upload it as an extra but couldn't for some reason. 

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