
By Marionb

The Ins and Outs ...

...of Our Day...

It started out with sirens..endless sirens..sirens of different kinds of emergency vehicles and they just kept going..and then the air was filled with helicopters was obvious that something serious was happening out there...and finally we could see that one was air ambulance....and it was coming in for a landing on the 401 freeway a couple of blocks that was the was a road accident ...It turned out to be a very serious chain-reaction, multi-car crash and it  closed the 401 West to Toronto for hours...a frightening and disturbing start to the day...

Unfortunately, Toronto was our destination of the day...but we were able to use another route to get there. We were going to visit my friend Mary's 93 year-old aunt. Having lost her husband, she had recently moved from her own home into an apartment in her daughter's basement, and as to be expected, had to seriously downsize. The one precious thing she had to give up was her large loom. A real loss. She is an amazing weaver and in the past had even volunteered at the Ontario Science Centre giving demonstrations of weaving on their large jacquard loom. Weaving is her love. Rather than just give it up because of the move, she ordered herself a smaller loom that would fit into her little apartment!  At age 93!  What a go-getter. In the blip you can see her current project..she is weaving an upholstery fabric to cover a chair in her living room..the colour carefully matched to another chair.... I was also in awe of her beautiful tapestries that were hanging on the walls...Wow...what a talented lady..

After the visit, we had another treat. LLBean, the outdoor store that Mary and I both used to frequent when passing through Maine, had opened a store around the corner from Mary's aunt! Imagine that! ! So we took a quick stopover there, before heading home, armed with a couple of new items, to prepare for dinner and book club at my house this evening...It was so good to see old friends in person again, one of whom had moved Nova Scotia, but attended via Zoom. All in all, it was a rather busy and complicated day.. 

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