Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Smile, you are on camera!

An early start this morning as we left home at 6am and were in Norfolk just after 9am. Gavin went straight into a zoom meeting while I unpacked some of the things we had brought with us, and then after a coffee to keep me awake I went off for a walk with Xena.  

There had been a very high tide today but it was receding by the time we walked along the coastal path. The north Norfolk coast is well known for its bird life and that was very much in evidence today with huge skeins of geese flying in formation, due to the winter migration. They are quite noisy but I like to hear them and watch the amazing patterns they make in the sky. When I got back Gavin was still on zoom and so I carried on sorting things out until lunch time. I then went over the road to the Crab Shack and got a crab sandwich for Gavin and a container of crab for me (to make my own sandwich with gluten free bread)

Later in the afternoon we went to Sainsburys to get a few things and then took Xena for another walk. I wanted to see if the seals were still lying up one of the channels off Brancaster beach, where I had seen them last year, and when we got there they were quite a few swimming. It was so funny when Xena saw them as she could not work out what they were. She stood on the water's edge and just stared at them, and as she did not appear to be a threat the seals came closer and closer and also just stared at her. Gavin filmed this encounter on his phone. So my blip today had to be of a seal. I have never really liked their eyes as they are so milky it looks like they have no pupils, and when you photograph them their eyes always look blurry. The light was not very good as it was getting late but maybe I will visit them again in better light.

Tomorrow morning there is another very high tide, Gavin wants to go out in the tender and take Xena and me for a little pootle around the waterways, but as I don't like boats I am not sure....

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