NZ Autumn 2025

By AndrewNZ

Decisions Decisions!

I had a plan for todays Blip but it all went to pot after seeing the picture of my handsome boy on a bigger screen so he became "The main attraction".
This one is quite framable.

The Extras.

The aircraft is a DH Dash 8-300 that my Better Half was on having had a couple of days in Wellington and after collecting her we went for lunch down on Wakefield Quay and was fortunate to have timed it for the shipping.
MSC Alabama was just leaving Port Nelson she is 243 metres long and 32 metres wide and can carry 3424 TEU's (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units) and is 25 years old heading for Wellington.
Seaspan Hannover arrived once Alabama had cleared the channel and the pilot and tugs had transferred. She is 208 metres long and 30 metres wide and is 15 years old she can carry 2478 TEU's arriving from Auckland.

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