Morning all,
We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools - Martin Luther King, Jr
We had snow....
We had a snowball fight....
(No I never started it!!)........
Two North Korean Crewmen onboard the 'Hildegaard'......
Never had a snowball fight ever.......
They lost..........!!! ;0)
Scotland are good at somethings.....maybe not football but snowball fighting and haggis hunting....yes !!! ;0)
This is the 'Sarpen' berthing at Houndpoint 1....'Cramond' is the tug pushing on the forward end ;0)
Decorating Handsome Boy's room today....light grey on three walls, red on the other......his choice, he just doesn't know its getting done !!! ;0)
Expect nothing. Live frugally on surprise - Alice Walker
Have a great day ;0)
TTFN ;0)
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