Windmill 'De Lelie', Kralingen, Rotterdam

'De Lelie' = 'The Lily' -- here at last in sunnier weather! 
I added an extra to the post of two days ago, when I had shot it under cloudy skies.
Since then, the millers had changed the positions of both De Ster and De Lelie , so that both were facing the lake today, and the sun.
There's an extra of the lake.
There's also an extra of both mills, side by side like watchful sentinels.

Had to go to Rotterdam today to dispose of some really huge chunks of rubbish.  Having worked in the city for years, I know where you can do this without needing a pass.  Isn't there one closer to home?  Of course, but you need a pass, and as I wanted to go on the hunt today, anyway, I just wanted to kill two birds with one shot.  Unfortunately, though, having waited for the skies to clear, I left too late in the afternoon, and had I gone on to the dump, it would have taken an extra hour to get back.  I will do the dump tomorrow, when I have another go at the Pendrecht Mill.  I hope the weather will be accommodating a bit earlier in the day.

As you can see, the Lelie is almost completely attached to a building, and this one is the office of the local sailing school, also called The Lelie, after the mill.  Luckily, their gates were open and it was okay to enter to take pictures.

Back home, the cleaning went on, but was not as strenous as yesterday, most of the work having already been done.  AW left for Friday night live bridge at Sweed's, and I finished week 5 of the Ageing MOOC and gamed a bit.  We had gone earlier to the filling station together so that he could get 5L of fuel for his car as it had run out, after which he'd driven on to Baarle-Hertog, across the border in Belgium, to fill up with benzine, cheaper than in the NL.  He also looked at the diesel prices for me and we agreed that diesel is cheaper where we are.

There's a little trip across a border scheduled for next weekend.  There'll be a mini-BLIPmeet, too.  Most exciting is the fact that AW will come along.

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